Gentlemans Tattoo Flash cannot accept change of shipping address after an order has been shipped. The customer is responsible for all customs charges and any other taxes etc. that may be due to your country before the package will be delivered to you. We suggest that you check with your customs authorities before placing an order to see what these costs may incur. Returned orders due to refusal, incorrect address on the part of the buyer or they have been unclaimed will be handled as follows. Shipping charges will not be refunded. In the case of the order being re-shipped normal shipping charges will apply. (Please look to shipping costs for more information on shipping). Gentlemans Tattoo Flash accepts no liability for slight variations in colour, contrast or brightness of printed products. Due to technical differences in printing methods these variations are not fully avoidable and do not justify a claim. Any typographical error on sales literature/website or any other document published by Gentlemans Tattoo Flash shall be subject to correction without any liability on the part of Gentlemans Tattoo Flash.